Language Requirements

Exchange students can choose from any classes the DHBW Stuttgart offers according to their language ability. There are classes taught in English in various departments and in the International Programme, where classes are open to students from all backgrounds. However, the International Programme is explicitly designed for exchange students. Students of the DHBW Stuttgart may attend at a voluntary basis. In addition, international students can participate in individual projects, where the language of instruction is English.

Students can take classes from different semester levels according to their knowledge and background. The number of credits students receive depends on the assessment, the contact hours of each class and the amount of workload students have to invest. At the end of each study period students will be provided with a transcript of records, stating all information of the kind of lecture, grades and number of ECTS.

Classes in English

Students who wish to take regular curriculum classes in English need to prove their knowledge of English before arrival in Stuttgart (B2 Common European Framework of Reference for Language- CEFR). Exchange and study abroad programme students are required to submit proof of their proficiency in English or German according to the course selection. We accept DAAD-language certificate or compatible f. ex. certifying TOEFL IBT 79, TOEFL PBT 550 or IELTS 6 at least level B2. Partner institutions are expected to select students who meet these requirements.

Native English speakers along with students who are taking their degree programme in English  are exempted.

Classes in German

Students who wish to take classes taught in German need to have the equivalent of B2 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).