International Management for Business and Information Technology

Target audience

A new study course offer named International Management for Business and Information Technology provided by the department of Business Information Management, addresses international IT service providers, large international companies and consulting companies.


Students are prepared for typical challenges in multinational enterprises being active around the globe, e.g. the involvement in or the lead of global projects. Therefore the curriculum focuses on the required IT and business expertise separately and the interdependencies between them.

Furthermore, complimentary lectures for improving language, methodology and soft skills are part of the curriculum.

Our programm framework describes the structure and the content of this course offer.

Course Highlights

  • Practice-oriented and hands-on lectures are taught in small groups by experienced practitioners coming from various prestigious companies and professional backgrounds.
  • Modern, up-to-date learning forms, e.g. seminars, workshops, case studies, projects, ensure excellent learning outcome and success.
  • Many lectures are held in English.
  • You have to study abroad for at least three months.
  • To spend a semester at a university abroad you currently have the choice between various universities in Australia, France, UK and USA.
  • In addition to the academic studies at a university abroad you can might also spend the so-called "practice phase" in a foreign subsidiary of your company.
  • Degree: Bachelor of Science
  • The course got accredited at the national German and at the international level.
  • The execution of this new course program is run by the department of Business Information Management having more than 2.000 graduates over the past years, 25 years of experience in organising dual, cooperative academic education.


Interested students who want to apply are kindly requested to contact the recruiting companies directly. All companies can be found on our list of cooperative partners.  


Interested companies in recruiting and hosting students for IMBIT are asked to contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Kessel or Prof. Dr. Marcus Vogt.