Benefits: Theory + Practice = Success


The formula of the DHBW Stuttgart model of success for over 40 years is so simple and yet, at the same time, complex. Starting your career immediately after leaving school – without missing out on a degree? The successful concept of “Theory + Practice” makes it possible.

  • Outstanding career and promotion opportunities:
    Around 80% of our graduates remain with their corporate partners.
  • Enjoy financial independence:
    Students earn their own salary from the first day.
  • Benefit from highly qualified lecturers:
    You will be taught by a large number of lecturers who come directly from business and industry.
  • Take advantage of various intensive degree courses:
    The alternation between theory and practice offers variety.
  • Small course groups guaranteed:
    Class groups with 30 students ensure intensive supervision.
  • Gain international experience:
    Many courses offer semesters abroad.
  • Look outside the box:
    Studium+ also offers possibilities beyond specialist disciplines.
  • Build on your degree course:
    A range of opportunities open up after graduation with 210 ECTS points or more.