Being a Corporate Partner

Corporate Partners

Being a DHBW partner offers many advantages:

  • Secure the best talent for the future:
    The corporate partners select the students themselves; this ensures that study vacancies are filled with the most suitable candidates. In addition, during the programme they share company values and work culture so that after graduation they integrate into your corporate structures more easily.
  • Active cooperation of companies and social institutions (university partners):
    About 2,000 companies and social institutions of all sizes and from a broad range of sectors are working successfully with DHBW Stuttgart. As members of DHBW they are involved directly in further strategic development of the university through committee work.
  • Being part of the teaching:
    As corporate partners you can also send experienced experts to lecture at DHBW Stuttgart.
  • Course Selection According to the Needs of the Economy:
    The strengths of this way of studying lie in the fact that the curriculum changes with the needs of the economy.
  • Excellent performance of cooperative students:
    Due to their sound knowledge and cutting-edge expertise acquired during the training phases, the students are ready to meet professional challenges. The work-integrated concept ensures that they are highly employable – within the last two years more than 80 per cent of our graduates have signed a permanent employment contract directly upon graduation.