Prof. Dr. Marc Kuhn

Influences Of User Experience On Consumer Perception – A Study On “Autonomous Driving

Existing studies on autonomous driving examine automated driving functions based on theoretical consumer ideas or, in few cases, referring on driving simulations. However, we find a lack in research on how consumers perceive and evaluate automated driving innovation technology in real driving conditions. Focusing on available “Level 2”-series functions, in this paper we concentrate on the effect of driving experience on perception and valuation of the automated driving functionalities. We developed and conducted a user experience study with a pre- and a post-questionnaire, a standardized test-track and 197 test drivers using either Mercedes-Benz E-Class or Tesla Model S. Results indicate that consumers expect much more than already provided by the technology. We found a high influence of driving experience on the consumer perception of automated driving functions.

Selinka, Sarah / Kuhn, Marc (2018). Influences Of User Experience On Consumer Perception – A Study On “Autonomous Driving”. Conference Paper. AMS World Marketing Congress, Porto 2018.