Prof. Dr. Marc Kuhn

Nouveaux Modes de Mobilité, Nouveaux Mécanismes d´Adoption ? Une Etude sur les Facteurs d´Acceptation de la Voiture Autonome

Autonomous mobility technologies are gradually entering urban space (metro, tramways, autonomous shuttles). To now, the involved public transport solutions are related to full or partial delegation of functions that were previously delegated to a human driver. The arrival of the autonomous car changes the game in the meaning that consumers will be called upon to delegate an activity they used to perform themselves. On the basis of open questions asked before and after the in situ test of a car with a high level of autonomy from a sample of 204 testers, this article studies and classifies the perceptions associated with autonomous cars. and provides some leads for a better modeling of autonomous technologies acceptance.

Bertrandias, Laurent / Sadik-Rozsnyai, Orsolya / Kuhn, Marc (2018). Nouveaux Modes de Mobilité, Nouveaux Mécanismes d´Adoption ? Une Etude sur les Facteurs d´Acceptation de la Voiture Autonome. Conference Paper. AFM, Strasbourg 2018.