Aktuelle Publikationen

  • Kuhn, Marc / Lowe, Ben / Bertrandias, Laurent / Sadik-Rozsnyai, Orsolya / Hubert, Marco (2018). Consumer Interactions with Automated Technologies. AMS World Marketing Congress, Porto 2018.
    In a unique user experience study realized in Germany in 2016, more than 200 test drivers executed  an one hour test drive on a standardized route with a partly automated serial vehicle (Mercedes Benz E-Class models (220d and 300) or a Tesla Model S). Before and afterwards, questionnaires had to be filled out. The questionnaires included questions of attractiveness of innovation (Boyd & Mason, 1999) self-efficacy (Jones, 1986; Meuter, Bitner, Ostrom, & Brown, 2005), standardized dimensions of expectations before driving and perceptions afterwards. Furthermore, well-being, adoption intention, affect as well as cognition and several other areas has been asked for (Kulviwat, et al., 2007; Hong, Hwang, Ting, Tai, & Lee, 2013).

  • Selinka, Sarah / Kuhn, Marc (2018). Influences Of User Experience On Consumer Perception – A Study On “Autonomous Driving”. Conference Paper. AMS World Marketing Congress, Porto 2018.
    Existing studies on autonomous driving examine automated driving functions based on theoretical consumer ideas or, in few cases, referring on driving simulations. However, we find a lack in research on how consumers perceive and evaluate automated driving innovation technology in real driving conditions. Focusing on available “Level 2”-series functions, in this paper we concentrate on the effect of driving experience on perception and valuation of the automated driving functionalities. We developed and conducted a user experience study with a pre- and a post-questionnaire, a standardized test-track and 197 test drivers using either Mercedes-Benz E-Class or Tesla Model S. Results indicate that consumers expect much more than already provided by the technology. We found a high influence of driving experience on the consumer perception of automated driving functions.

  • Österle, Benjamin / Kuhn, Marc / Henseler, Jörg (2018): Brand worlds: Introducing experiential marketing to B2B branding, in: Industrial Marketing Management 72 (2018) 71–98.
    Experiential marketing refers to strategies of staging and creating offerings for the purpose of facilitating extraordinary experiences. Branding and experiences are highly intertwined concepts. Instruments of experiential marketing are one of the strongest means of branding in the consumer area. They also exist in B2B marketing practice, for example in the form of brand worlds. So far, they have only received limited attention from the B2B branding perspective. The inherent differences between B2C and B2B raise the question what values the operating companies want to provide their visitors with these instruments in B2B. Building on 14 expert interviews with B2B practitioners managing brand worlds, we identify 12 experiential value sources, clustered in product related, brand related, customer related and process related value sources. They are strongly linked to instrumental dimensions of experiential value sources, aiming at helping visitors in their business activities. This paper contributes by introducing the concepts of experiential marketing and brand worlds to B2B branding. Taking the organizational perspective in the co-creation of experiences, it complements existing literature on experiential marketing in B2B from the customers perspective, and contributes to the understanding of the creation and management of experiences in this area.

  • Bertrandias, Laurent / Sadik-Rozsnyai, Orsolya / Kuhn, Marc (2018). Nouveaux Modes de Mobilité, Nouveaux Mécanismes d´Adoption ? Une Etude sur les Facteurs d´Acceptation de la Voiture Autonome. Conference Paper. AFM, Strasbourg 2018.
    Autonomous mobility technologies are gradually entering urban space (metro, tramways, autonomous shuttles). To now, the involved public transport solutions are related to full or partial delegation of functions that were previously delegated to a human driver. The arrival of the autonomous car changes the game in the meaning that consumers will be called upon to delegate an activity they used to perform themselves. On the basis of open questions asked before and after the in situ test of a car with a high level of autonomy from a sample of 204 testers, this article studies and classifies the perceptions associated with autonomous cars. and provides some leads for a better modeling of autonomous technologies acceptance.

  • Kuhn, Marc et al. (2018). Wahrnehmung und Bewertung Automatisierter Fahrassistenten. Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF), Band 10, Stuttgart 2017.
  • Österle, Benjamin / Kuhn, Marc / Henseler, Jörg (2017). Brand Worlds: Evoking Brand Experiences in B2B. Conference Paper. International Symposium/Workshop on “Branding in the Business-to-Business Context”, Auckland.
  • Kuhn, Marc / Schäfer-Walkmann, Susanne et al (2017): Mehrdimensionale Erfassung der Unternehmensleistung von Integrationsfirmen in Baden-Württemberg Teil 2 – Systemanwendung. Ein gefördertes Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag des Kommunalverbands für Jugend und Soziales (KVJS), Stuttgart 2017.
  • Kuhn, Marc et al. (2017). User Experience Studie "Autonomous Driving". Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF), Band 7, Stuttgart 2017.
  • Kuhn, Marc, Selinka, Sarah & DeJong, Natalie (2017). E-Mobility Marketing – Standardization or Specialization. AMS Annual Conference San Diego 2017.
  • Kuhn, Marc / Österle, Benjamin / Stern, Carolin (2017): REMAPS – Reliable Evaluation of Market Potentials for Smaller Companies. DHBW funding line scheme. Final Report, Stuttgart 2017.
  • Österle, Benjamin, Kuhn, Marc (2017). Disneyland in B2B? Toward Physical Brand Worlds in Industrial Marketing. In Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends (pp. 729-742). Springer, Cham.
  • Österle, Benjamin / Kuhn, Marc / & Henseler, Jörg (2016). An Inquiry into Brand Worlds in Industrial Marketing. Conference Paper. 32nd IMP conference, Poznan.
  • Kuhn, Marc / de Jong, Natalie (2016): Does one really fit all? Cultural Differences experiencing E-Mobility. In: proceedings AMS World Marketing Congress Paris 2016.
  • Kuhn, Marc / Schäfer-Walkmann, Susanne et al (2016): Mehrdimensionale Erfassung der Unternehmensleistung von Integrationsfirmen in Baden-Württemberg. Ein gefördertes Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag des Kommunalverbands für Jugend und Soziales (KVJS), Stuttgart 2016.
  • Heigl, Julia / Kuhn, Marc (2016): Cultural Approach on E-Mobility, Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF), Band 8, Stuttgart 2016.
  • Ascher, Nathalie / Baral, Ulrike / Huf, Stefan / Kuhn, Marc / Wieser Aileen: Duales Commitment – Mitarbeiter zwischen Arbeitgeber und Kunde. In: PERSONALquarterly, Jg. 68, H. 2, 2016, S. 34-39.
  • Kovac, Kristina / de Jong, Natalie / Reit, Vanessa (2015): Neuromarketing: The Effect of Attitudes on the Perception of External Business Communication. Poster AMS World Marketing Congress Bari 2015.
  • Heigl, J.; Kuhn M.(Hrsg.) (2015): E-Mobility. In: Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF) 7. Stuttgart (DHBW Stuttgart).
  • Österle, B. & Kuhn, M. (2015): Factors Determining Channel Selection in the German Trades Sector – An Analysis of Power Tool Purchases. 2015 AMS World Marketing Congress.
  • Boßler, A.-K., Kovac, K., Kuhn, M. & Reit, V. (2015): Industrial Lifestyles from the Perspective of B2B Sales. 2015 AMS World Marketing Congress.
  • Pfaff, S. (2014): Long Distance Commuting or Change of Residence? Mobility Decisions in Germany between 2000 and 2009. International Conference on Social Science and Management. Conference Paper.
  • Kuhn, M.; Reit, V & Y. Zajontz (2014): “Devil-may-care!“- Sector-related Pricing Potentials for Sustainable Products. International Conference on Social Science and Management.
  • Healthcare Marketing Management. In: Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF) 6. Stuttgart (DHBW Stuttgart).
  • Ascher, N.; Huf, S. & M. Kuhn (2014): Concept Paper ELOTIS: Enhancing Leadership of Outsourced Teams in Industrial Service Environments. International Conference on Social Science and Management. Conference Paper.
  • Kuhn, M. & Y. Zajontz (2013): Charakteristika und Maßnahmen des Industriegüter Relaunch. In: W. Pepels (Hrsg.): Praxishandbuch Relaunch. Potenziale vorhandener Marken richtig ausschöpfen: 229-250. Symposion Publishing (Düsseldorf).
  • Gaupp, Ch. & M. Kuhn (2013): Determination of Success Factors of the shop-in shop and the concession model in the fashion industry. An empirical analysis of consumer perception in the case of Hugo Boss Benelux in Spain. In: AMS World Marketing Conference Proceedings 2013 Melbourne, Australia: S.606-618.
  • Zajontz, Y.; Kollmann, V. & M. Kuhn (2013): Sustainability and Perception of Brand Communication. In: AMS World Marketing Conference Proceedings 2013 Melbourne, Australia: S.676-680.
  • Baumann, A.; Burger; Th.; Kuhn, M. & M. Rehme (2013): Erfolgsfaktoren industrieller Dienstleistungen. In: Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF) 4. Stuttgart (DHBW Stuttgart).
  • Simon, A.; Zajontz, Y. & V. Reit (2013): Lehrevaluation online oder papierbasiert? Ein empirischer Vergleich zwischen traditionellem Fragebogen und inhaltsgleicher Online-Erhebung. In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 35 (3): 8-26.
  • Schmidtmeier, S.; P. Oser & Y. Zajontz (2012): Sonstige Rückstellungen in der Bilanzierungspraxis mittelständischer Konzerne – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung von BDI/EY/DHBW. Deutsches Steuerrecht (DStR).
  • Hahn, K.; Oser; P.; Eisenhardt, P. & V. Kollmann (2012): Latente Steuern in der Bilanzierungspraxis mittelständischer Konzerne – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung von BDI/EY/DHBW. Deutsches Steuerrecht (DStR): 572-578 (Teil I), 619-626 (Teil II).
  • Hahn, K.; Oser; P.; Eisenhardt, P. & M. Kuhn (2012): Bewertungseinheiten in der Bilanzierungspraxis mittelständischer Konzerne. Steuern und Bilanzen (StuB): 91-95.
  • Zajontz, Y. ; Kuhn, M. & V. Kollmann (2012): Perception of E-Mobility related OEM-brands – an evaluation of potential influencing variables. In: LCBR European Marketing Conference 2012. Conference Proceedings 2012 München.
  • Kuhn, M. & K. Beine (2012): Success Factors of Shop-in-Shop – An Empirical Analysis at the Example of a Domestic Appliances Manufacturer in Germany. In: LCBR European Marketing Conference 2012. Conference Proceedings 2012 München.
  • Kollmann, V. ; Kuhn, M. & Y. Zajontz (2012): Consumer Perception of Global Renewable Energy Projects – exemplified at DESERTEC. In: LCBR European Marketing Conference 2012. Conference Proceedings 2012 München.
  • Baumann, A.; Kuhn, M. & Ch. Schaller (2012): Nachhaltigkeit im Spiegel des Konsumenten. Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF) 3. Stuttgart (DHBW Stuttgart).
  • Kuhn, M.; Zajontz, Y. & V. Kollmann (2011): Sustainability Marketing. Strategies in Advertising Campaigns – Boon or Bane? In: AMS Annual  Conference. Proceedings 2011 Miami, U.S.A, S.405-408.
  • Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI); Ernst & Young & DHBW Stuttgart (2011): Das Bilanzmodiernisierungsgesetz in der Praxis mittelständischer Unternehmen. Eine empirische Untersuchung der Konzernabschlüsse. Berlin.
  • Kuhn, M. & Y. Zajontz (2011): Industrielles Marketing. München.
  • Kuhn, M. & Reit, V. (2015): The effect of brands in B2B purchasing decisions - “the feather that tips the balance”? 2015 AMS World Marketing Congress.
  • Kuhn, M.; Kollmann, V. & Y. Zajontz (2011): Herausforderung Mobilität und ihre Chancen. Forschungsberichte des Zentrums für Empirische Forschung (ZEF) 2. Stuttgart (DHBW Stuttgart).
  • Kuhn, M. & C. Baumann (2011): Triangulation in Industrial Market Research – Development of a Mixed-Methods-Approach for Market Forecasts. AMS World Marketing Conference Proceedings 2011 Reims, France, S.642-651.