Degree-Seeking Students

International Students

Admission is open to all applicants, provided they meet the entrance requirements of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW).

Please note

  • Enrollment at the university is only possible after a training contract with a workplace training provider has been signed. DHBW Stuttgart does not take any applications.
  • Enrollment of international degree-seeking students, who received their university entrance qualification abroad, is only possible after the assessment of equivalency by DHBW headquarters.
  • DHBW Stuttgart does not offer any study programmes conducted 100 % in English for full-time studies. Degree-seeking students will need a very good knowledge of German and a recognised educational qualification or degree (e.g. Abitur, A-Levels or International Baccalaureate).
  • Our degree programmes are work integrated study programs, meaning alternating three-month periods, with students getting their academic education at the university and receiving practical training from a partner company or social institution.
  • Students do not have to pay any tuition fees because we are a public university.
  • Students have a training contract with one of our partner companies and throughout the entire period they receive a monthly salary and employee insurance benefits.
  • The study programmes begin every year on October 1.
  • Generally our corporate partners offer free study places at least one year in advance. If you are interested you should apply early.