Facts & Figures

Facts DHBW Stuttgart

  • DHBW Stuttgart with its campus in Horb is the largest of nine locations of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW).
  • Around 20 sites in Stuttgart and Horb (see all sites in Stuttgart)
  • More than 40 nationally and internationally accredited intensive programmes
  • 2017/2018: about 2,000 corporate partners, 8,302 students, 3,051 first-year students, about 2,000 full-time and part-time lecturers with academic and practical backgrounds

Student Enrollment Numbers Bachelor 2017/2018

  • 8,302 students
  • 3,051 first year students
  • total number or graduates 2017: 2,339

Memberships Since 2011

  • Founding member of “Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsregion Stuttgart e.V.”
  • Member of the „dual career solution – Netzwerk für Karrieren in und um Stuttgart“
  • „Partner university of high-performance sports“ in cooperation with “adh” and the Olympic Training Centre Stuttgart

Some Figures Regarding all Locations of Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW)

  • Enrolled students: 33,902 (2017/2018)
  • First-year students: 12,301 (2017/2018)
  • Corporate Partners: more than 9,000