Profile DHBW Stuttgart

School of Engineering: New Building

DHBW Stuttgart - Brief overview

  • More than 40 years of experience in providing high-quality cooperative higher education programmes that include practical training – the dual education programme
  • One of the largest universities in the region and the DHBW's largest location with around 8,300 selected students
  • Wide range of subjects with more than 40 nationally and internationally recognised bachelor programmes in the fields of business, engineering and social sciences
  • Cooperation with around 2,000 long-standing reliable companies and social institutions, the Dual Partners
  • Comprehensive application-oriented and teaching-integrated empirical research into topical issues in the fields of engineering and the economic and social sciences
  • International partnerships and exchange programmes with many universities, companies and social institutions in other countries
  • Excellent job opportunities: Around 80% of graduates are accepted by the Dual Partners into permanent employment immediately after graduation
  • Wide-ranging further education opportunities, e.g. with the DHBW's career-integrated master's programme at the DHBW Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS)
  • Partner university to top­-performance sports
  • Certified as a family-friendly university that also works to promote health and cosmopolitanism and member of the registered society „Academic- and Science Region Stuttgart” (Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsregion Stuttgart e.V.)

A Unique Combination of Theory and Practice

The cooperative degree programme is designed according to the real requirements of the labour market, as well as businesses and / or social institutions, and guarantees a unique combination of theory and practical work. The former Baden-Wuerttemberg Berufsakademie, now the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, is nationally and internationally recognised and accredited as university offering an extremely high quality of education, reflected in an average retention rate of around 80 percent of its graduates.

Organisational Structure

Map of DHBW Locations
Click to enlarge Map

DHBW Stuttgart is one of nine locations of Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). Based on the US State University System, the organisation structure of DHBW is unique in Germany, comprising both the central and the local levels:

  • Central level: DHBW headquaters „Präsidium“
  • Local level: 9 DHBW locations and 3 DHBW campuses