Ausschreibungen/Calls for Application

The BWS plus Project Network Nursing and Healthcare student exchange program provides participants with a short-term scholarship to facilitate practice training and study at our cooperating partner institutions and their partners.

How to apply

Students wishing to participate in the BWS plus Network Nursing and Healthcare student exchange program can apply by submitting the required application forms and requested documents to their local project coordinator.

For detailed information regarding the student exchange program, please contact the program manager at the DHBW Stuttgart or the project coordinators at Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

Application deadline Winter 18/19 for DHBW students: January 7th 2019

Application deadline Winter 18/19 for OAMK students: please contact your local program coordinator.

Exchange students from Finland might want to browse the pages of the DHBW Stuttgart International Office.

Landschaft Oulu

Studienberichte / Student exchange reports

Als erste Stipendiatinnen im Projekt BWS plus Network Nursing and Healthcare besuchten zwei Studierende des Studiengangs Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften für Pflege im Mai 2018 die Projektpartner in Oulu. Im Rahmen einer Projektpräsentation berichteten sie ausführlich über ihren Aufenthalt in Finnland:

Report of first Finnish exchange student within BWL plus project Networking Nursing and Healthcare:
